Friday, 5 June 2015

iPad Poetry App

  • Versus Poetry

Versus Poetry is an app that allows user to use random words in proper manner to create new poetry from it. The user needs to re-arrange the words in order to create a fun looking visual poetry. To delete the unwanted word, the user needs to hold the word until a cross mark appears on it. Clicking on the cross mark will delete the word.

Here is my poem from versus poetry:

  • Visual Poet

With the help of this app, user can add images to create more appealing poetry. You can add the images from your gallery or any other sources like google. The images in the background resembles the actual meaning of the poem.

Here is my poem from visual poet:


  • Poetry

Poetry app is designed by Poetry Foundation. When you click on spin button, there will be two horizontal bar at the top which allows you two choose different themes such as joy + love, passion + nature, etc. Based on the theme you selected, list of poem will be displayed on the left side of the page. This app is easy to use and pretty straightforward.

Here is the theme that I got when I hit the spin button:


By Edward Lear

There was an Old Man with a beard,
Who said, "It is just as I feared!—
Two Owls and a Hen, four Larks and a Wren,
Have all built their nests in my beard.


It took a while for me to figure out how this app works. But after becoming familiar with this I think this app is very helpful for those who are struggling in writing a poem. The app suggests best available rhymes as you write. This app also counts syllable for each line. 

Here is my poem: "Flag"

5 Up atop the pole
4 stands tall and proud
5 waves with the winter winds
6 sings stories from the past


In this app the words appear against a red background. The words are arranged in line and these lines move from left to right at a certain pace. The speed of the words moving across the screen can be controlled by tapping on a particular word or line. Also, when a letter from a word is held for a long time, it shows up a different poetic list of words against a yellow background for a fraction of seconds.


  1. Your poetry made using visual poet app is really good. I liked the way how you have interpreted clouds as a friend of sky, because they are always together. Your images, also signify the meaning of your thought which is the best part.

  2. This is very nicely done. I like how you took it a step further then just observing the ipad mini apps and, applied yourself to write your own poems. I enjoyed your visual poet poem and, the underlining theme of friendship. Also, I like how you used images to heighten the emotion and tone of your poem.
