Link to her blog: http://firmlyrooted.blogspot.ca/
This blog is by a woman from Delhi, India who
is a Mathematics teacher. The blog is
called Rooted, I think that the blog name represents what the writer of
the blog is trying to convey in her works. This blog contains collection of
different poetries that are supported by relevant images. Use of images along
with poetry provides a visual experience to the readers and carries them away
to a world of imagination. It also allows to explore the creative side of a
reader as everyone interprets the image differently. Growth of technology has
now made the art of poetry available to the common person and provided a
platform through which they can convey their thoughts to a vast range of
audience and this blog is an excellent example it.
Link to the blog: https://sundaywhirl.wordpress.com
This is a blog for poets to explore their creativity. The
writer of the blog posts one image that contains 12 words each week and people
need to paste their link to the poetry that was created using the specific
words. The participants of this blog are
called Wordlers. A new image containing
a new set of words is posted every week for the Wordlers to work on. This blog
provides an interesting read by providing insights into different poetries that
are created using same set of words. It is fun to read the creations of others!
The writer of the blog makes efficient use of technology by creating images
that contain words. An example of the image provided each week to the Wordlers
is shown below along with a poetry made by a wordler Dell Clover:
Sleep, the beginnings—
Soft cool clay,
Until the
hour of darker powers:
Darting wild tongues of dream
pierce mind through with
searing burns—
Rest at an end, peace stolen.
-by Dell
The blog is called the Sunday whirl because a new challenge
is posted every Sunday at 12:00 AM on the blog.
Link to blog: http://jennymatlock.blogspot.ca/
This blog is by Jennymatlock, and is a blog
community where readers are a given a word and a restriction through which they
need to compose their work. The blog contains three pages, but the best out of
it is called “Saturday Centus”. The poetries that are created by the
participants are usually, visual poems.
This blog makes inspires new writers to write visual poetries in a fun
new way. For example: Readers a given a word Hope and the restriction is to
compose a 100 word poetry using any images. (Simple right, but the fun part
follows now) The participants are not allowed to use the word Hope anywhere in
their work. It is really interesting to look at what people have created using
technology! The work that I would like to share, and which really appealed me
is shown below:
From it many things come, where
would we be without it?
We need it…….
To survive. To be wanted. To be
loved. To be cured.

That feeling of what is wanted can be had, or the events will turn out
for the best.
Great things can be attained with
it! It surprisingly encourages us!
When we need forgiveness and look for a brighter future, we hang on to it.
Be the one who inspires it!
-by Ames
Link to the blog: http://visualpoetryrenegade.blogspot.ca/
Visual poetry is a poetry that is made up of images, texts, words all immersed to create a visual experience. This style of poetry makes use of technology as a medium to communicate thoughts. One such blog is renegade, this blog is a collection of international visual poetries. The blog contains very few words and just provides a pictorial view of the visual poetries by different artists. Since, the works of different artists from all around the world are gathered under one blog it provides an insight on how cultures affect poetry and technology. Every work is unique, some use colors while some do not. Some use letters and words, while some use images. But, every visual poem conveys a different meaning. I personally loved this blog, because it showcases visual poetic forms from all corners of the world.
Link to the blog: http://howapoemhappens.blogspot.ca/
How a poem happens is a unique blog where poets discuss the making of poems. While researching for this blog task I found that most of the blogs were about poetry and poets and very few focused on how poetry was made. This blog talks about the process that poetry undergoes before it is revealed to the readers. Many contemporary poets and they are works are included in this blog. Also, the poets themselves answer how this poem was made. Questions like when was the poem composed, how many revisions did it undergo and how it arrived at its final form is answered by the poets.
This blog is really unique and a very interesting read.
Your research on poetry blogs is impressive. I liked the visual poetry 'Hope', it conveys the meaning of hope in the most simplest yet efficient way without words. The images used are strong enough to covey what the poet is trying to say.